Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Grand Finale of the Industrial Age

The Wall Street Crash of 1929, the beginning o...Image via Wikipedia

Another great depression? Or the greatest-ever buying opportunity? Here's why...this economic mess is nothing like the 1930's, why it's time to start buying, NOW and what stocks will out-perform the coming rebound.

Don't let media's short-term, micro-view blind you to what's really going on in the world. Put aside fear and negativity and get ready to rake in unimaginably-huge profits as you cash in on the...3 unstoppable macro trends about to reshape the world.

In the next 15 years, we will gobble up more of the Earth's last remaining natural resources, than we did in any period in the past. This great natural resource binge will turn Wall Street on its head.

Rising commodity prices will start to bear down on every aspect of our lives...from the costs of our tomatoes to the price we pay to heat and cool our homes...from the value of our blue chips to the income we receive on our CD's...$2,700 gold...$9 gas...plummeting indices...soaring inflation...and plenty of bear markets.

But also, expect a commodity bull market, the likes of which we have never seen before, one that will dwarf every other that has come before it.

Last century we had three commodity bull markets. They were from 1906-23, 1933-53 and 1968-82. Each one was bigger, and wreaked more havoc, than the one that came before it. This final one promises to outdo them all. By the end of it, many things will be different.

Most paper assets will be shredded. Millions of American retirees will find themselves on the breadline. Vital commodities like oil, gas, uranium, cobalt, molybdenum will be greatly depleted. But almost all commodities whether abundant or not, wil no longer be cheap. In fact, their costs will become more prohibitive, that it will finally force industry to seriously develop new alternatives, like renewable fuels, and new industrial materials made from bio and nano-materials. But until that time comes, commodities will rule the day.

Commodities will inpact almost every area of your life. Whether you want to be invested in them or not, they are going to affect your assets...your lifestyle...your costs of living...the kind of car you drive...what kind of house you live in...your investments. They'll determine the fate and fortunes of companies, countries and individuals everywhere!

Commodities will make you rich. Or they'll make you poor. It's your choice.

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