Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What People Value by Pat Melfi

Cover of "Feelings (Piccolo Books)"Cover of Feelings (Piccolo Books)

One of the world's largest record company's recently interviewed other firms to handle its payroll. After interviewing the three finalist firms, the three members of the selection committee were stumped. They decided on a perfect solution. They flew to each of the finalist's headquarters, took a short walk around and "got a feeling" for each place. When they walked into the third company's lobby, something immediately somehow "just felt right." They stayed but five minutes, and then headed home. From the airport back home, they called the third company with the multi-million dollar good news.

So often, that is the difference. Not superior competence. Not more years of experience. Just something tiny, like the feeling that you give people. People buy feelings--People value--and pay more for--the way you make them feel.

As promised, we are on a 5 day journey in which we said that at the beginning of each day we will begin with a thought, sort of a theme for the day. We will focus on that theme and throughout the day we will apply the theme in our day and from that day forward apply the principle daily.

Day 2: The Law of Compensation

Your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment...your income is determined by how many people you serve and how well you serve them. Or to put it another way, your compensation is directly proportional to how many lives you touch.

Having been in the entertainment business for over thirty years, I always thought it seemed so unfair how movie stars, musical acts and top athletes pulled down those huge salaries. But people who were doing such great work, such noble work--like school teachers--never got paid what they're worth. It always seemed arbitrary. What I am saying now is, it's not a question of their value. It's a question of their impact. And there two amazing things about this. First, it means that you get to determine your level of compensation--it's under your control. If you want more success, find a way to serve more people. It's that simple. It also means there are no limitations on what you can earn, because you can always find more people to serve. The Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., once said, "Everybody can be great because anybody can serve." Another way to say that might be, everybody can be successful because anybody can give.

Interestingly enough I have spent countless years in service to others. At the beginning of my career, there came upon me a strong feeling that others might take advantage of me for this. A quick study of The Law of Attraction caused me to adjust my feelings about this. In this law I learned that by feeling that way I could actually attract that kind of outcome. Remember we spoke about this last week when we said that when Mind creates a thought or desire, it will actually manifest it. Since I did not want to attract that kind of outcome, I began to think that all people want by nature to be good and deserve to be served.

Again, as we close we find some very key points that are directly tied to The Law of Compensation that are also tied to yesterday's topic The Law of Value. See if can see the common thread and email me back.

I have become a servant to many of you who email me daily, thanking me for the inspiration I am given through the grace of God to motivate you into a better place, a better spirit, a better life...I am truly grateful for that. Without you, I am nothing. Your emails daily, are a service that I cherish. At the end of the day...people buy feelings!!!

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